Wake WorldWide Part 1: Applying Internationally

    Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 8:00 AM until 8:45 AMEastern Daylight Time UTC -04:00

    At Wake Forest, the ideal of ethical community engagement is part of a rich campus life. We foster productive collaboration with local, national and global communities in the business realms. Not only does community engagement carry forth Wake Forest’s commitment to public service, embodied in the motto Pro Humanitate (“For Humanity”), it also strengthens the University’s bonds with entrepreneurial communities, seeding new opportunities for the future!

    Here at The School of Business, we believe that every student has an opportunity to pursue their academic & career aspirations within business whether coming from an international background or domestic. Please join us on October 3, 2023 from 8am - 8:45 am to discuss application preparation, tools, & resources from the international applicant perspective with both our Enrollment Management & Integrative Student Services Teams! (Registration is required. )

    Registration is no longer available because the event has been cancelled.